MSE Master of Science in Engineering

The Swiss engineering master's degree

Jedes Modul umfasst 3 ECTS. Sie wählen insgesamt 10 Module/30 ECTS in den folgenden Modulkategorien:

  • ​​​​12-15 ECTS in Technisch-wissenschaftlichen Modulen (TSM)
    TSM-Module vermitteln Ihnen profilspezifische Fachkompetenz und ergänzen die dezentralen Vertiefungsmodule.
  • 9-12 ECTS in Erweiterten theoretischen Grundlagen (FTP)
    FTP-Module behandeln theoretische Grundlagen wie die höhere Mathematik, Physik, Informationstheorie, Chemie usw. Sie erweitern Ihre abstrakte, wissenschaftliche Tiefe und tragen dazu bei, den für die Innovation wichtigen Bogen zwischen Abstraktion und Anwendung spannen zu können.
  • 6-9 ECTS in Kontextmodulen (CM)
    CM-Module vermitteln Ihnen Zusatzkompetenzen aus Bereichen wie Technologiemanagement, Betriebswirtschaft, Kommunikation, Projektmanagement, Patentrecht, Vertragsrecht usw.

In der Modulbeschreibung (siehe: Herunterladen der vollständigen Modulbeschreibung) finden Sie die kompletten Sprachangaben je Modul, unterteilt in die folgenden Kategorien:

  • Unterricht
  • Dokumentation
  • Prüfung
Systems engineering of safety critical systems (TSM_SafeSys)

Safety-critical systems are those systems whose failure could result in loss of life. An aircraft such as an airliner has more than one safety critical systems.

The system engineering activities required to design and manage these complex systems over their life cycles require a deep understanding of several disciplines and a systematic approach to problems such as:

  • Requirements engineering
  • Requirement based testing
  • Validation and verification of complex function
  • Coordination of teams

In this module the students will have an overview of Safety Critical Systems and related engineering activities and how these actitivties must be planned and executed in order to lead to successful certification and continued airworthiness.


The students are expcted to have basic knowledge of aircraft engineering such as:

  • Aerodynamics
  • Aircaft Structures
  • Understanding of Aircraft Systems
  • Understanding of Aircraft Propulsion
  • Basic concepts of Maintenance
  • Safety:
    • System Safety
    • Safety Process



Understand core engineering and human-centered disciplines necessary to successful design, development and continued airworthiness of Safety Critical Systems (SCS).

The student are expected to acquire the following competencies:

  • Understanding of safety critical system
  • Understanding of system engineering principles
  • Understanding of system components qualification
  • Understanding of aircraft certification process
  • System Thinking



  1. Introduction to Safety Critical Systems (SCS): General Concepts, Examples of SCS
  2. Introduction to SCS: Complexity, Byzantine Problems, Multidisciplinarity
  3. Requirement Engineering
  4. Robustness, Redundancy, Dissimilarity and Integrity
  5. Manned vs. Unmanned Systems
  6. Manned Aircraft: Safety, DAL, Airworthiness
  7. Unmanned Aircraft: Concept of Operations, Holistic Approach/SORA, Integration with Manned Aviation
  8. System Modeling and Simulation
  9. System Testing of SCS
  10. Design and Development of Complex HW
  11. Design and Development of SW
  12. System Thinking
  13. Risk Management
  14. Team Management
  15. Time Management

Lehr- und Lernmethoden

  • All lectures are strictly connected to current aviation practice and, where feasible, practical examples will be provided
  • Real world examples with lessons learned will be provided for self study


  • SAE-ARP-4754A - Guidelines For Development Of Civil Aircraft and Systems

  • Aircraft Design - A Systems Engineering Approach M. H. Sadraey, Wiley Aerospace Engineering

  • SAE-ARP4761 - Guidelines And Methods For Conducting The Safety Assessment Process On Civil Airborne Systems And Equipment

  • DO-178B, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification

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