MSE Master of Science in Engineering

The Swiss engineering master's degree

Chaque module vaut 3 ECTS. Vous sélectionnez 10 modules/30 ECTS parmi les catégories suivantes:

  • 12-15 crédits ECTS en Modules technico-scientifiques (TSM)
    Les modules TSM vous transmettent une compétence technique spécifique à votre orientation et complètent les modules de spécialisation décentralisés.
  • 9-12 crédits ECTS en Bases théoriques élargies (FTP)
    Les modules FTP traitent de bases théoriques telles que les mathématiques élevées, la physique, la théorie de l’information, la chimie, etc., vous permettant d’étendre votre profondeur scientifique abstraite et de contribuer à créer le lien important entre l’abstraction et l’application dans le domaine de l’innovation.
  • 6-9 crédits ECTS en Modules contextuels (CM)
    Les modules CM vous transmettent des compétences supplémentaires dans des domaines tels que la gestion des technologies, la gestion d’entreprise, la communication, la gestion de projets, le droit des brevets et des contrats, etc.

Le descriptif de module (download pdf) contient le détail des langues pour chaque module selon les catégories suivantes:

  • leçons
  • documentation
  • examen 

Modules: 23

Advanced Project Management (CM_AdvProjMgmt, 2024-2025)

Seule une gestion de projet appropriée peut garantir la poursuite efficace des objectifs d'une organisation et donner les moyens de répondre de manière cohérente aux besoins. 

Ainsi, le gestionnaire de projet occupe un rôle essentiel en tant que responsable de la réalisation des objectifs tout en respectant les contraintes déterminées par le contexte du projet. 

Les gestionnaires de projet modernes doivent posséder des…

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Gestion de l’innovation et du changement (CM_InnChang, 2024-2025)

Après une introduction aux différentes notions, le module a pour but d’expliquer aux étudiants la planification opérationnelle et la gestion des innovations à l’aide d’un modèle de gestion de l‘innovation intégré. Les étudiants sont alors en mesure d’établir des liens avec des interfaces internes et externes à l’entreprise, de les interpréter et de les influencer. Les étudiants sont formés pour devenir des «managers…

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Innovation and Lean (CM_InnoLEAN, 2024-2025)

The course introduces the concepts of Lean innovation and lean thinking. It also foster a complex serious-gaming session where the students can develop their own factory and implement a set of innovations. Indeed, the student will be able to devise and implement a production practice that considers to be waste the expenditure of resources for any goal other than the creation of value for the customer.

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Integrated Sustainable Management of Production Systems (CM_IntSust, 2024-2025)

Companies are increasingly interested in conducting their activities so that a long-term future is assured for its business, society and environment. The purpose of this class is to deal with the well-recognized but sometimes vague concept of sustainability from an engineering perspective. The module is meant to introduce students to the implementation of sustainable management in industries and provide them with…

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Smart services (CM_SmartSer, 2024-2025)


Smart Service Design and Engineering - Value Creation:

  • Basics of Smart Service Design (Customer insight, customer journey, value proposition design, use of data insights)
  • Selected topics of Service Science and Service Dominant Logic
  • Service blueprinting as a relevant step in the service engineering process
  • Characteristics of Data Services and Data Products
  • Use of data in the smart service design process and in the…

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Technology Management (CM_TechMgmt, 2024-2025)

The module describes the practical and theoretical framework of Technology Management, and explains the lifecycle and application of technologies and the related tools and activities used in Technology Management applied to practical case studies.

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Statistiques appliquées et analyse de données (FTP_AppStat, 2024-2025)

Le module présentera aux étudiants les outils statistiques utilisés dans le secteur industriel, en particulier dans la maîtrise statistique des procédés et le contrôle de qualité. Le module apprendra aux étudiants à planifier les expériences et à interpréter avec assurance les résultats obtenus à l’aide de méthodes statistiques.

Remarque : Un cursus MSE ne peut pas contenir les deux modules statistiques similaires…

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Lifecycle Management of Infrastructures (FTP_Life, 2024-2025)

In today's rapidly evolving world, infrastructure assumes a crucial role in shaping the way societies function and progress. Roads, railways, bridges, energy grids, machines, and digital networks all contribute to the foundation of modern society. Managing the lifecycle of these infrastructures becomes a critical discipline, ensuring their reliability, sustainability, and adaptability over time. Various stakeholders…

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Modelling Simulation and Optimisation (FTP_ModSim, 2024-2025)

La modélisation, la simulation et l'optimisation sont fondamentales pour résoudre les problèmes dans un certain nombre de domaines de la science, de la technologie et de la vie. Les étudiant-e-s apprendront à concevoir, mettre en œuvre, simuler et optimiser un modèle de système dynamique. La simulation, l'exploration du comportement dynamique du modèle dans le temps et l'espace seront traités pour les systèmes à…

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Multi-Agent Systems (FTP_MultiASys, 2024-2025)

Natural, social, and engineered complex systems can be modelled as being composed of agents interacting with one another and their environment. This course introduces students to the theory, tools and techniques for understanding and solving problems related to such systems.

The course is composed of two parts. In the first one, both cooperative and selfish agents and interactions between them will be discussed. The…

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Optimisation (FTP_Optimiz, 2024-2025)

Ce cours offre une introduction à l’optimisation, en mettant l’accent sur les méthodologies de base et les structures mathématiques sous-jacentes. L’optimisation fait référence à l’application de techniques et de méthodes mathématiques aux problèmes de prise de décision. Un grand nombre de problèmes quantitatifs réels peuvent être modélisés et résolus dans cette structure générale. Planification de production, supply…

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Equations différentielles ordinaires et systèmes dynamiques (FTP_OrdDiff, 2024-2025)

Ce module présente aux étudiants les types de phénomènes dynamiques que les équations différentielles ordinaires (EDO) permettent de décrire. Les étudiants analysent les modèles de comportement élémentaires de ces systèmes pour lesquels ils développent des modèles de simulation.

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Predictive Modelling (FTP_PredMod, 2024-2025)

This course will provide an introductory review of the basic concepts of probability and statistics to understand probability distributions and to produce rigorous statistical analysis including estimation, hypothesis testing, and confidence intervals. Students will be introduced to the basic concepts of predictive modelling which by definition is the analysis of current and historical facts to make predictions about…

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Business Analytics (TSM_BusAn, 2024-2025)

Business Analytics (BA) is the science of analyzing enterprise data with statistical methods. The aim is to better understand market, customers, internal processes and the competitive environment, allowing for better and more informed decisions in business. As such, BA goes well beyond simply presenting data, numbers and tables, but focuses on finding new patterns, explaining the occurrence of results and forecasting…

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Factory Planning (TSM_FactPlan, 2024-2025)

The course will describe Production Systems Configuration and Management as well as the drivers influencing the choice of a given layout and the rules adopted for managing it. Various typical layouts will be described also highlighting their benefits and pitfalls, while eliciting the characteristics of the manufacturing environments justifying their choice. Well known Production Planning & Control (PPC) methods will…

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Human Centered Production Systems (TSM_HuCePSys, 2024-2025)



Human-Centred Production Systems refers to an approach in engineering and manufacturing where the design, development, and operation of production systems are centered around human needs, capabilities, and experiences. This concept emphasizes the importance of considering human factors such as ergonomics, cognitive abilities, social interactions, and user preferences in the design and optimization of production…

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Novel Innovation and Design Principles (TSM_InnoDes, 2024-2025)

NOVEL INNOVATION & DESIGN PRINCIPLES. In order to keep generating competitive advantage through innovation, both manufacturing and service industries are in need to apply novel innovation and design principles. This module will focus on reuniting the study and practice of entrepreneurship and innovation. It takes a process-oriented view of agile Innovation.
First it starts with recognizing the opportunity and…

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International Logistics (TSM_Logistic, 2024-2025)

The module starting from the analysis of the whole Supply Chain configuration and management process, underlines in particular the greater importance role that logistics and procurement are assuming in modern collaborative Supply Chain. Procurement is a strategic business driver that allows companies to efficiently focus on their key competences and activities while leveraging competences and cost advantage stemming…

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Market Analysis and Forecasting (TSM_MarkFor, 2024-2025)

A proper understanding of the current state and probable future development of a market is key to any successful business development. The module Market Analysis and Forecasting provides the foundations of analysis of complex socio-economic systems. It puts students in place to autonomously plan, design and execute their own qualitative and quantitative analysis. Development of well-founded forecasts and scenarios…

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Service Operations and Management (TSM_OpMgmt, 2024-2025)

In all developed economies, the service sector is the dominant economic sector. Its importance is still growing. In particular new services based on new technologies such as mobile and internet-based technologies are changing our world at a breathtaking pace. The goal of this module is to make students familiar with some of the main concepts of modern services.

The module focuses on service science and strategic…

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Product Innovation and Product Lifecycle Management (TSM_Product, 2024-2025)

Students become acquainted with the product innovation process and its strategic importance for enterprises. The will learn different processes, methods and tools to develop new products and further optimize them along its full lifecycle. A special focus is on the development of complex systems, an interdisciplinary environment. Current approaches and new tools are discussed in addition to established processes such…

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Quantitative Methods in Industrial Operations Management (TSM_QInOpMgmt, 2024-2025)

Operations management is concerned with the design, operation and optimization of the value-adding areas of a company.
At the strategic level it includes in particular the design of infrastructure and resources, the dimensioning of capacity and the
definition of business processes. At an operational level, it includes ongoing planning and control of operational activities. The
aim is to achieve high business…

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Servitization of Manufacturing (TSM_ServMan, 2024-2025)

This module will help students to understand how a manufacturer changes its business model to provide a holistic solution to the customer, helping the customer to improve its competitiveness, rather than just engaging the sale of product.  Much of the course is based around the transition from pure products to provide product service systems in basic and advanced forms.

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