MSE Master of Science in Engineering

The Swiss engineering master's degree

Chaque module vaut 3 ECTS. Vous sélectionnez 10 modules/30 ECTS parmi les catégories suivantes:

  • 12-15 crédits ECTS en Modules technico-scientifiques (TSM)
    Les modules TSM vous transmettent une compétence technique spécifique à votre orientation et complètent les modules de spécialisation décentralisés.
  • 9-12 crédits ECTS en Bases théoriques élargies (FTP)
    Les modules FTP traitent de bases théoriques telles que les mathématiques élevées, la physique, la théorie de l’information, la chimie, etc., vous permettant d’étendre votre profondeur scientifique abstraite et de contribuer à créer le lien important entre l’abstraction et l’application dans le domaine de l’innovation.
  • 6-9 crédits ECTS en Modules contextuels (CM)
    Les modules CM vous transmettent des compétences supplémentaires dans des domaines tels que la gestion des technologies, la gestion d’entreprise, la communication, la gestion de projets, le droit des brevets et des contrats, etc.

Le descriptif de module (download pdf) contient le détail des langues pour chaque module selon les catégories suivantes:

  • leçons
  • documentation
  • examen 
Biomedical Engineering (TSM_BioMedEng)


(1) The module's goal is to obtain a deeper understanding of biomedical engineering principles, the human musculoskeletal system, its function, and related biomechanical analysis, pathologies, possible treatment strategies in surgery and rehabilitation.

(2) Participants will obtain insight into basic requirements such as biology and physiology, materials used for implants and prostheses, and available biomaterials for skeletal tissue regeneration.

(3) Current clinical topics will be addressed, like osteoporosis, fracture fixation osteoarthritis, and neurorehabilitation. Treatment methods such as fracture fixation, primary stability, and joint replacements will be discussed besides.

(4) A more profound insight will be provided into technologies for human motion analysis (measurement technologies and performance analysis).

(5) The course will also discuss robot-assistive rehabilitation technologies in cases of neuropathology such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injury.


Compétences préalables


Basic knowledge in cell biology, anatomy, functional anatomy and pathology (fracture, neuro, orthopaedics, osteosynthesis)


Objectifs d'apprentissage

There will be lectures on the following main subjects: a) biomedical engineering) prosthetics as well as c)  clinical topics. The students will learn more about these subjects and understand why these topics are significant in medical engineering.

Catégorie de module

Biomedical engineering

  • physiological systems
  • biotechnology and tissue engineering
  • bioelectric and neuro-engineering
  • human sensory systems


  • human movement analysis, orthopedics, biomechanics, biomaterials
  • biomechanical testing of implants/test development & lab accreditation

Clinical topics

  • aging and geriatrics, degenerative diseases, osteoporosis, muscle atrophy, neuro-/endocrinological disorders (e.g., diabetes mellitus)
  • bioreactors and tissue engineering in regenerative medicine

Méthodes d'enseignement et d'apprentissage

There will be a mix of various teaching methods applied like classical teaching, group work, etc.


Slides and lecture notes will be made available to the students. Furthermore, there will be a list provided with references to books or scientific articles relevant to the topics taught. 

Télécharger le descriptif complet
