MSE Master of Science in Engineering

The Swiss engineering master's degree

Ogni modulo equivale a 3 crediti ECTS. È possibile scegliere un totale di 10 moduli/30 ECTS nelle seguenti categorie: 

  • 12-15 crediti ECTS in moduli tecnico-scientifici (TSM)
    I moduli TSM trasmettono competenze tecniche specifiche del profilo e si integrano ai moduli di approfondimento decentralizzati.
  • 9-12 crediti ECTS in basi teoriche ampliate (FTP)
    I moduli FTP trattano principalmente basi teoriche come la matematica, la fisica, la teoria dell’informazione, la chimica ecc. I moduli ampliano la competenza scientifica dello studente e contribuiscono a creare un importante sinergia tra i concetti astratti e l’applicazione fondamentale per l’innovazione 
  • 6-9 crediti ECTS in moduli di contesto (CM)
    I moduli CM trasmettono competenze supplementari in settori quali gestione delle tecnologie, economia aziendale, comunicazione, gestione dei progetti, diritto dei brevetti, diritto contrattuale ecc.

La descrizione del modulo (scarica il pdf) riporta le informazioni linguistiche per ogni modulo, suddivise nelle seguenti categorie:

  • Insegnamento
  • Documentazione
  • Esame
Privacy and Law (CM_PrivLaw)

In the Privacy and Law module, students gain an awareness of the threats to privacy in the fast changing digital society and are prompted to reflect on values in the historical and intercultural context.
Students acquire an overview (system and reference knowledge) of actual legal aspects that have not been specifically covered in either the vocational baccalaureate or in the Bachelor's degree course. In the knowledge and information society these are, in particular, the legal aspects privat data protection, copyright, brand rights, patents, forms of collaboration in the digital economy, relevant contractsetc.



Obiettivi di apprendimento

Understanding the different dimensions of privacy. Thinking in the corresponding contexts. Transferring privacy aspects to and within the private and work environment and reflecting upon these, establishing links with learning content in the MRU and the technical modules.
Acquiring an appreciation of the legal aspects confronting an engineer in demanding professional situations. Gaining awareness in order to avoid damages due to infringements of rights or legal uncertainty. Acquisition of speaking and listening skills in order to conduct the corresponding specialist discussions with experts.

Contenuti del modulo

  • Introduction to law and the privacy aspects of law
  • Knowledge of the industry relevant contracts (word & labour, licence, NDA, SLA etc.)
  • Ventures in digital environment (forms, GeBüV, Compliance etc.)
  • Knowledge of the creation and development of privacy as a fundamental/human right (GDPR included)
  • Knowledge of IP-law (copyrights, trade marks, design, patents, unfair competition)
  • Knowledge of legal aspects of new technologies as AI, Blockchain etc.
  • Formative tests

Metodologie di insegnamento e apprendimento

Frontal instruction in the lectures (2 lessons per week)
Seminar-type teaching in the tutorials (1 lesson per week)


Lecture handouts provided by the lecturer and the references to current literature they contain

Scarica il descrittivo completo del modulo
