MSE Master of Science in Engineering

The Swiss engineering master's degree

Ogni modulo equivale a 3 crediti ECTS. È possibile scegliere un totale di 10 moduli/30 ECTS nelle seguenti categorie: 

  • 12-15 crediti ECTS in moduli tecnico-scientifici (TSM)
    I moduli TSM trasmettono competenze tecniche specifiche del profilo e si integrano ai moduli di approfondimento decentralizzati.
  • 9-12 crediti ECTS in basi teoriche ampliate (FTP)
    I moduli FTP trattano principalmente basi teoriche come la matematica, la fisica, la teoria dell’informazione, la chimica ecc. I moduli ampliano la competenza scientifica dello studente e contribuiscono a creare un importante sinergia tra i concetti astratti e l’applicazione fondamentale per l’innovazione 
  • 6-9 crediti ECTS in moduli di contesto (CM)
    I moduli CM trasmettono competenze supplementari in settori quali gestione delle tecnologie, economia aziendale, comunicazione, gestione dei progetti, diritto dei brevetti, diritto contrattuale ecc.

La descrizione del modulo (scarica il pdf)riporta le informazioni linguistiche per ogni modulo, suddivise nelle seguenti categorie:

  • Insegnamento
  • Documentazione
  • Esame
Advanced Network Security (TSM_AdvNetSec)

This course aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of current network security technologies and their application in solving technical security challenges. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to analyze, design and implement secure network infrastructures, using state-of-the-art security technologies and best practices. They will also develop an understanding of emerging network security techniques and solutions.


  • Understanding of the TCP/IP protocol stack including routing protocols and DNS.
  • Basic understanding of secure protocols such as WPA, IPSec and TLS.
  • Basic understanding of network security appliances such as firewalls and proxies.

Obiettivi di apprendimento

The students

  • are able to identify threats for a given network and are able to reason about the security properties of their networks.
  • know important concepts of network security in the areas of DDoS protection, BGP security, DNS security, IPv6 security and HTTP/3.
  • know the relevant key concepts to build secure network architectures and can develop a secure network architecture for different scenarios.
  • are able to undertake an investigation into the course topics and report on their findings.

Categoria modulo

This course is split into three parts:

Part 1: Network Threats and Monitoring

In Part 1 we talk about network threats and mitigation techniques as well as network monitoring. We cover topics such as common network attacks (e.g., Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS) attacks) as well as the challenges and solutions for monitoring network traffic (e.g., analysis of encrypted traffic flows).

Part 2: Network Protocols and Security

In Part 2 we focus on network protocols and security. This includes but is not limited to Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) security, Domain Name System (DNS) security, IPv6 security and HTTP/3.

Part 3: Securing Advanced Network Architectures

Part 3 covers several advanced approaches to securing network architectures from a forward-looking perspective. This includes but is not limited to topics such as Software Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA), Machine Learning (ML) for network security, network security in containerized environments, and cloud network security.

As network security is a very dynamic and constantly evolving field, the course content will be adapted to current trends and emerging topics in network security.

Metodologie di insegnamento e apprendimento

Lectures with a mix of practical and theoretical exercises.


The following material is provided:

  • Slides (with notes, where appropriate)
  • Selected technical publications

Scarica il descrittivo completo del modulo
